Sandra Magdalena Granquist


Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Stofnstærðarmat á útsel (Halichoerus grypus) við Ísland árið 2022 . Haf- og vatnarannsóknir. 2024;43:12.


Liu X., et al., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , et at.. Origin and expansion of the world’s most widespread pinniped: Range-wide population genomics of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). Molecular Ecology. 2022;31:6:1682-1699.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Icelandic harbour seal (Phoca vitulina): Population estimate in 2020, summary of trends and the current status. HV 2021-53. Haf- og vatnarannsóknir. 2021.
Gísli A. Víkingsson , Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson , Sverrir Daníel Halldórsson , Valérie Chosson , Sigurðsson G. M.. Iceland – Progress report on Marine Mammals in 2020. 2021.
Aquino J.F., Burns G.L., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . A Responsible Framework for Managing Wildlife Watching Tourism. Ocean and coastal management. 2021;210(11):105670.
Rössler H., Tougaard J., Sabinsky P.F, Rasmussen M.H., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Wahlberg M.. Are Icelandic harbor seals acoustically cryptic to avoid predation?. JASA Express Letters. 2021;1(3), 031201.
Chauvat C.M., et al., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Visitors’ values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2021;1-20.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seals. In: Gudmundur J. Oskarsson (edt.). Staða umhverfis og vitkerfa í hafinu við Ísland og horfur næstu áratuga. Haf- og vatnarannsóknir. 2021;hv 2021-14.
et al., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Visitors’ values and perceptions of seal watching management in Northwestern Iceland. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2021;1-20.


Punt A.E., et at., Guðjón Már Sigurðsson , Gísli A. Víkingsson , Francis T.B., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , et al.. Evaluating Management Strategies for Marine Mammal Populations: An Example for multiple species and multiple fishing sectors in Iceland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 2020.
Magnússon B., Guðmundsson G.A., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seabirds and seals as drivers of plant succession on Surtsey. Surtsey Research . 2020;14:115-130.
Spaak K. M., van Noordenburg C., Plassmann M.M., Schultes L., Shaw S.D., Berger M.L., Heide-Jörgensen M.P., Rosing-Asvid A., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Dietz R., Sonne C., Roos A., Benskin J.P.. Fluorine mass balance and suspect screening in marine mammals from the Northern Hemisphere. Environmental Science & Technology. 2020;54(7):4046-4058.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Gísli A. Víkingsson , Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson , Sverrir Daníel Halldórsson . Iceland – Progress report on Marine Mammals in 2019. NAMMCO/28/National Progress Report Iceland 2019. 2020.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Population estimate, trends and current status of the Icelandic harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) population in 2018 / Landselstalning 2018: Stofnstærðarmat, sveiflur og ástand stofns. HV 2019-36. 2019.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Aerial census of the Icelandic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) population in 2017: Pup production, population estimate, trends and current status HV 2019-02. 2019.
Baylis A.M, Þorbjörnsson J.G., Eric dos Santos , Sandra Magdalena Granquist . At-sea spatial usage of recently weaned grey seal pups in Iceland. Polar Biology. 2019;42(11):2165–2170.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Nilsson P.O, Angerbjörn A.. From Eco-Tourism to Ego-Tourism: Fluctuations in human view on nature over time. Athens Journal of Tourism. 2019;6(3):195-210.
Gísli A. Víkingsson , Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson , Sverrir Daníel Halldórsson , Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Iceland – Progress report on Marine Mammals in 2018. NAMMCO SC. 2019.
Spaan K., Noordenburg C., Schultes L., Roos A., Shaw S.D., Berger M.L., Heide-Jörgensen M.P., Laidre K., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Plassmann M.M., Benskin J.P.. Spatial trends and tissue distribution of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, extractable organic fluorine and total fluorine in marine mammals. Extended abstract. 2019.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Rodrigo Esparza-Salas, Erlingur Hauksson, Olle Karlsson, Anders Angerbjörn. Fish consumption of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in north western Iceland assessed by DNA metabarcoding and morphological analysis. Polar Biology. 2018;41 (11):2199-2210.
Elin Lilja Öqvist, Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Georgette Leah Burns, Anders Angerbjörn. Seal Watching: an Investigation of Codes of Conduct. Tourism in Marine Environments. 2018;13 (1):1-15.
G. L. Burns, Elin Lilja Öqvist, Anders Angerbjörn, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . When the wildlife you watch becomes the food you eat: Exploring moral and ethical dilemmas when consumptive and non-consumptive tourism merge. Animals, food, and tourism. 2018.
J. F. Aquino, Georgette Leah Burns, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seal Watching in Iceland: Ethical Management Development. The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9): Place, Recreation, and Local Development. 2018.
Gísli A. Víkingsson , Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson , Sverrir Daníel Halldórsson , Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Iceland – Progress report on Marine Mammals in 2017. NAMMCO SC. 2018;26/NPR-I-17:9.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Esparza-Salas R., Erlingur Hauksson, Angerbjörn A.. Fish consumption of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in north western Iceland assessed by DNA metabarcoding and morphological analysis. Polar Biology. 2018.
Burns G.L., Öqvist E.L., Angerbjörn A., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . When the wildlife you watch becomes the food you eat: Exploring moral and ethical dilemmas when consumptive and non-consumptive tourism merge. Kline, C (ed), Animals, food, and tourism. 2018.
Aquino J.F., Burns G.L., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seal Watching in Iceland: Ethical Management Development.. The 9th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV9): Place, Recreation, and Local Development. 2018.


Malin Larm, Bodil Elmhage, Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erika Brundin, Anders Angerbjörn. The role of wildlife tourism in conservation of endangered species: Implications of safari tourism for conservation of the Arctic fox in Sweden. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2017;23 (3):257-272.
J. F. Aquino, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seal Watching Tourism in the Vatnsnes Peninsula: Identifying the Need for Future Management Actions. The 13th International Conference on Responsible Tourism Destinations. 2017.
Jóhann Garðar Þorbjörnsson, Erlingur Hauksson, Guðjón Már Sigurðsson , Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Aerial census of the Icelandic harbour seal ( Phoca vitulina ) population in 2016: Population estimate, trends and current status / Landselstalning 2016: Stofnstærðarmat, sveiflur og ástand stofns. HV 2017-009. 2017.
Sarah Marschall, Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Georgette Leah Burns. Interpretation in wildlife tourism: Assessing the effectiveness of signage on visitor behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 2017;17:11-19.
Öqvist E.L., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Burns G.L., Angerbjörn A.. Sealwatching: an evaluation of codes of conduct. Tourism in marine environments. 2017;13(1):1-15.
Aquino J.F., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Seal Watching Tourism in the Vatnsnes Peninsula: Identifying the Need for Future Management Actions. 2017.
Gísli A. Víkingsson , Þorvaldur Gunnlaugsson , Sverrir Daníel Halldórsson , Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Iceland – Progress report on Marine Mammals in 2016. NAMMCO SC. 2017;26/NPR-I-2016:10.
Larm M, Angerbjörn A., Elmhagen B, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The role of wildlife tourism in conservation of endangered species: Implications of safari tourism for conservation of the arctic fox in Sweden. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2017.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Seasonal, meteorological, tidal and diurnal effects on haul-out patterns of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Polar Biology. 2016;39 (12):2347-2359.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Management and status of Harbour Seal population in Iceland 2016: Catches, population assessments and current knowledge / Stjórnun og ástand íslenska landselsstofnsins 2016: Selveiði og stofnstærðarmat. 2016.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Per-Åke Nilsson. Who's watching whom? – an interdisciplinary approach to the study of seal-watching tourism in Iceland. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016;111 (B):471-478.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Status of the Icelandic harbor seal population in Iceland. 2016;SC/23/CSWG/13.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Status of the Icelandic grey seal population in Iceland. 2016;SC/23/CSWG/12.
Marchall S., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Burns G.L.. Interpretation in Wildlife Tourism: Assessing the effectiveness of signage to modify visitor behaviour at a seal watching site in Iceland.. Journal for outdoor recreation. 2016;17:11-19.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Diet of harbour seals in a salmon estuary in North-West Iceland. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences. 2016;29:7-19.
Ásta Kristín Guðmundsdóttir , Benóný Jónsson , Eydís Salome Eiríksdóttir , Eydís Njarðardóttir , Friðþjófur Árnason , Guðni Guðbergsson , Hlynur Bárðarson , Ingi Rúnar Jónsson , Iris Hansen , Jóhannes Guðbrandsson , Jón S. Ólafsson , Jónína Herdís Ólafsdóttir, Leó Alexander Guðmundsson , Magnús Jóhannsson , Ragnhildur Þ. Magnúsdóttir , Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Sigurður Guðjónsson, Sigurður Már Einarsson , Sigurður Óskar Helgason , Þórólfur Antonsson. Veiðmálastofnun. Starfsemi og framtíðarsýn. 2016.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Seasonal, meterological, tidal and diurnal effects on haul-out patterns of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Polar Biology. 2016.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Seasonal, meterological, tidal and diurnal effects on haul-out patterns of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Polar Biology. 2016.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Nilsson P.O. Who's watching whom?–an interdisciplinary approach to the study of seal-watching tourism in Iceland. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016;111:471-478.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Status of the Icelandic grey seal population in Iceland. 2016.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson. Status of the Icelandic harbor seal population in Iceland. 2016.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson, Tryggvi Stefánsson. Landselatalning árið 2014. Notkun Cessna yfirþekju flugvélar, þyrilvængju og ómannaðs loftfars (flygildis) við talningu landsela úr lofti. 2015.


Georgette Leah Burns, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Codes of Conduct: Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas. The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. 2014.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir. The effect of land based seal watching tourism on the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2014;156:85-93.
Erlingur Hauksson, Halldór Gunnar Ólafsson, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Talning útselskópa úr lofti haustið 2012. 2014.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Ummerki eftir sel á veiddum laxfiskum í völdum veiðiám í Húnaþingi vestra og Austur-Húnavatnssýslu. 2014.
Burns G.L., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Managing interactions between visitors and wildlife in natural areas. The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas. 2014.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Sigurjónsdóttir H.. The effect of land based seal watching tourism on the haul-out behaviour of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in Iceland. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2014;156:85-93.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Per-Åke Nilsson. The Wild North: Network Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism in a Fragile Marine Environment in the Arctic Region. New Issues in Polar Tourism. 2013.
Erlingur Hauksson, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Selatalningin mikla. Niðurstöður 2007-2012. 2013.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Nilsson P.O. The Wild North: Network Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism in a fragile Marine Environment in the Arctic Region. New Issues in Polar Tourism. 2013.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir, Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir. The effect of stallions on social interactions in domestic and semi feral harems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2012;141 (1-2):49-56.
Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir, Helga M. Hafþórsdóttir, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Behaviour of Stallions in a Semiferal Herd in Iceland: Time Budgets, Home Ranges, and Interactions. International Journal of Zoology. 2012.
Sigurjónsdóttir H., Thorhallsdottir A.G., Hafthorsdottir H.M, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The behaviour of stallions in a semi-feral herd in Iceland: time-budgets, home-ranges and interactions. International Journal of Zoology. 2012;2012:7 bls.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Thorhallsdottir A.G., Hafthorsdottir H.M. The effect of stallions on social interactions in domestic and semi feral harems. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2012;141:49-56.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Erlingur Hauksson, Arna Björg Árnadóttir, Jacob Kasper. Landselstalning úr lofti árið 2011: Framvinda og niðurstöður. 2011.
Sánchez Cacho E., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . La foca común, idicatora del impacto del turismo en Islandia [Harbour seals in Iceland / Indications of impacts due to tourism]. Quercus magazine. 2011.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Per-Åke Nilsson. Harmony between man and nature. The case of seal watching at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. Solutions on Harmonising Sustainability and Nature Protection with Socio-Economic Stability. 2010.
Per-Åke Nilsson, H. Ý. Víglundsdóttir, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Wild North – network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the Arctic Region. Tourism, people and Protected Areas in Polar Wilderness. 2nd International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference. 2010.
Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Hegðun hrossa í Húnavatnssýslum. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Per-Åke Nilsson. Samvera sela og ferðamanna á Vatnsnesi - hver er að skoða hvern? . Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Rannsóknir á áhrif sela á laxfiska í árósum. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Interaction between seals and tourists at Vatnsnes peninsula-who´s watching whom?. Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress 2010. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Rannsóknir á áhrif sela á laxfiska í árósum [Studying the effect of seals on salmonids in river mouths]. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Sigurjónsdóttir H., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Hegðun hrossa í Húnavatnssýslum. [The behaviour of horses in West- and East Hunathing]. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Nilsson P.O. Samvera sela og ferðamanna á Vatnsnesi- hver er að skoða hvern? [Seals and tourists on Vatnsnes peninsula- who is watching whom?]. Húnvetnsk náttúra 2010. Málþing um náttúru Húnavatnssýsla. 2010.
Nilsson P.O, Víglundsdóttir H.Ý., Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Wild North – network cooperation for sustainable tourism in a fragile marine environment in the Arctic Region. Tourism, people and Protected Areas in Polar Wilderness. 2nd International Polar Tourism Research Network Conference. 2010.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Nilsson P.O. Harmony between man and nature. The case of seal watching at Vatnsnes peninsula, Iceland. Solutions on Harmonising Sustainability and Nature Protection with Socio-Economic Stability. 2010.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Wild North: The behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina); How do tourists affect the seals?. Annual Report for The Wild North. 2009.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir. Félagshegðun hrossa í stóðhestahólfum. Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress 2009. 2009.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Wild North. Annual Report 2009. The behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina); How do tourists affect the seals?. 2009.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Sigurjónsdóttir H., Thorhallsdottir A.G.. Félagshegðun hrossa í stóðhestahólfum [Social behaviour of horses in groups including a stallion]. Icelandic Agricultural Science Congress 2009. 2009.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . The Wild North: The behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina); How do tourists affect the seals? . Annual Report for The Wild North. 2009.


Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Hrefna Sigurjónsdóttir, Anna Guðrún Þórhallsdóttir. Social structure and interactions within groups of horses containing a stallion. International Equine Science Meeting. 2008.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Hegðun og útbreiðsla landsela (Phoca vitulina) í návist ferðamanna; Hafa ferðamenn áhrif á seli? . Áhrif ferðamanna á atferli villtra dýra . 2008.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Sigurjónsdóttir H., Thorhallsdottir A.G.. Social structure and interactions within groups of horses containing a stallion. International Equine Science Meeting. Regensburg. 2008.
Sandra Magdalena Granquist . Hegðun og útbreiðsla landsela (Phoca vitulina) í návist ferðamanna; Hafa ferðamenn áhrif á seli? [Behaviour and abundance of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) in presence of tourists: Do tourists affect the seals?] In: Áhrif ferðamanna á atferli villtra dýr. 2008.


Chauvat C.M., Sandra Magdalena Granquist , Aquino J.F.. Gender difference in biospheric values and opinions on nature management actions: The case of seal watching in Iceland. Ocean & Coastal Management. 1.
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