Aerial census of the Icelandic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) population in 2017: Pup production, population estimate, trends and current status HV 2019-02

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Titill Aerial census of the Icelandic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) population in 2017: Pup production, population estimate, trends and current status HV 2019-02

A grey seal census was conducted by aerial survey during the pupping period of 2017. Pups were counted three to five times in the main grey seal pupping areas. In addition, areas where grey seal pups have occasionally been observed were surveyed once. The peak of the pupping period varied from 2 October (Frameyjar in Breiðafjörður) to 24 October (Strandir).

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Sandra Magdalena Granquist
Nafn Erlingur Hauksson
Flokkur Haf- og vatnarannsóknir (2016-)
Útgáfuár 2019
Blaðsíður 19
Leitarorð útselur, selir, stofnstærðarmat, Halichoerus grypus, grey seal
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