Gestafyrirlestur 30. janúar að Skúlagötu 4

Allen Pope Allen Pope

Fimmtudaginn 30. janúar mun Allen Pope, framkvæmdastjóri Alþjóðlegu norðurskautsvísindanefndarinnar (IASC), fjalla um hlutverk nefndarinnar sem staðsett er á Akureyri og studd af Rannís. Starfsemi hennar verður kynnt og hvernig vísindamenn á Íslandi geta nýtt sér samstarf við nefndina.

Erindið verður flutt í fyrirlestrarsal á jarðhæð á Skúlagötu 4, kl 12:30, 30. janúar og er öllum opið. Erindið verður á ensku.

Allen Pope is the Executive Secretary for the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), based in Akureyri and supported by Rannís. With a doctorate in glaciology and remote sensing, in that role he directs the IASC Secretariat, guides IASC activities, and manages IASC‘s day-to-day activities. With 23 member countries, IASC is a non-governmental, international scientific organization which encourages and facilitates cooperation in all aspects of Arctic research, in all countries engaged in Arctic research and in all areas of the Arctic region. IASC promotes and supports leading-edge interdisciplinary research in order to foster a greater scientific understanding of the Arctic region and its role in the Earth system. This presentation will give an introduction to IASC, its activities, and how IASC is relevant to Arctic researchers – especially how researchers in Iceland can get involved with IASC. You can read more at and, or more on Allen at

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