Converting number of barrels of lumpfish roe to ungutted landings based on logbook data / Umreikningur á fjölda tunna af grásleppuhrognum yfir í óslægðan afla byggður á veiðdagbókum. HV 2020-33

Nánari upplýsingar
Titill Converting number of barrels of lumpfish roe to ungutted landings based on logbook data / Umreikningur á fjölda tunna af grásleppuhrognum yfir í óslægðan afla byggður á veiðdagbókum. HV 2020-33

The method for converting the time series of barrels of roe produced to ungutted lumpfish was reviewed and revised due to the uncovering of errors in how the data was treated. Correcting these errors along with a slight revision of the method (reconsidering the average gonadosomatic index of lumpfish), increased estimated landings for the period 1985–2007 by approx. 10%. In addition, we now take into account the fact that the weight of landed roe was recorded as 20% lower than the actual weight (the so‐called "sullprósenta’) by the Directorate of Fisheries from 2008‐2016. Taken together, this increased the reference value of Fproxy from 0.67 to the former value of 0.75, which would result in a corresponding increase in TAC to 5200 tonnes for the 2020 female lumpfish season. Logbook data used in the analysis have been made publicly available

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn James Kennedy
Nafn Sigurður Þôr Jónsson
Flokkur Haf- og vatnarannsóknir (2016-)
Útgáfurit Haf- og vatnarannsóknir
Útgáfuár 2020
Tölublað 2020-33
Blaðsíður 9
Útgefandi Hafrannsóknastofnun
Leitarorð Hrognkelsi, grásleppa, landanir, umreikningur, vísitala veiðihlutfalls, lumpfish, landings
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