Svanhildur Egilsdóttir


Ingibjörg G. Jónsdóttir , Ásgeir Gunnarsson , Christophe Pampoulie , Einar Hjörleifsson , Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Haseeb Randhawa, Höskuldur Björnsson , Jón Sólmundsson , Petrún Sigurðardóttir , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir . Þorskátak – framvinduskýrsla fyrir árið 2023. HV 2023-03. Haf- og vatnarannsóknir. 2024;3:20.


Jón Sólmundsson , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir . Þúsundir fiska rekur á land í óveðri.. Náttúrufræðingurinn. 2022;92:134-142.


Ástþór Gíslason , Klara Björg Jakobsdóttir , Kristinn Guðmundsson , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir , Teresa Silva . Sampling for the MEESO project during the International Ecosystem Summer Survey in Nordic Seas on the R/V Arni Fridriksson in July 2020. HV 2021-22. Haf- og vatnarannsóknir. 2021.


Sigurvin Bjarnason , Birkir Bárðarson , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir , Guðmundur J. Óskarsson . Verification of macroscopic maturity staging in Iceland‐East Greenland‐Jan Mayen capelin (Mallotus villosus). HV 2019-32. 2019.
Karl Gunnarsson , Julian M. Burgos , Lilja Gunnarsdóttir , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir , Gunnhildur Georgsdóttir, Victor F. Pajuelo Madrigal. Klóþang í Breiðafirði, útbreiðsla og magn. HV 2019-16. 2019.


Karl Gunnarsson , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir . A collection-based approach to the species and their distribution based on the bladed Bangiales (Rhodophyta) of Iceland. Botanica Marina. 2016;59 (4):223-229.


Guðrún G. Þórarinsdóttir , Hafsteinn G. Guðfinnsson, Svanhildur Egilsdóttir , Jón Örn Pálsson. The gametogenic cycle and spawning in Mytilus edulis in two fjords in north-western Iceland. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2013;93 (6):1609-1615.


Agnes Mols-Mortensen, Christopher D. Neefus, Ruth Nielsen, Karl Gunnarsson , Svanhildur Egilsdóttir , Paul Möller Pedersen, Juliet Brodie. New insights into the biodiversity and generic relationships of foliose Bangiales (Rhodophyta) in Iceland and the Faroe Islands. European Journal of Phycology. 2012;47 (2):146-159.
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