Overview of the contribution of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute to the CoralFISH project (2008-2012). HV 2018-38

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Titill Overview of the contribution of the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute to the CoralFISH project (2008-2012). HV 2018-38

Megin markmið CoralFISH Evrópuverkefnisins (2008‐2012) var að þróa tól og aðferðir til að koma á vistfræðilegri stjórnun í djúphafinu.

The main task of the FP7 funded CoralFISH project (2008‐2012) was to develop tools and methods to enable ecosystem‐based resource management in the deep sea.

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Flokkur Haf- og vatnarannsóknir (2016-)
Útgáfuár 2018
Leitarorð CoralFISH, cold‐water coral, fishing effort, habitat, longline,
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