Catch statistics for Atlantic salmon Arctic charr and brown trout in Icelandic rivers and lakes 2013

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Titill Catch statistics for Atlantic salmon Arctic charr and brown trout in Icelandic rivers and lakes 2013

Catch statistics for Atlantic salmon, brown trout and Arctic charr from Icelandic rivers and lakes for the 2013 fishing season have now been compiled and the main results are summarized in this report. This work is based on Gudbergsson (2014), Lax- og silungsveiðin 2013, a report from the Institute of Freshwater Fisheries (in Icelandic). The Atlantic salmon, brown trout and Arctic charr catch statistics have been compiled this way annually since 1987.

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Guðni Guðbergsson
Flokkur Útgáfa Veiðimálastofnunar (1948-2016)
Útgáfuár 2014
Leitarorð Atlantic salmon, Arctic charr, brown trout
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