The Effect of Water Removal on the Catch of Salmon in the River Úlfarsá, Iceland / Áhrif vatnstöku úr Úlfarsá á veiði í ánni

Nánari upplýsingar
Titill The Effect of Water Removal on the Catch of Salmon in the River Úlfarsá, Iceland / Áhrif vatnstöku úr Úlfarsá á veiði í ánni

The river Úlfarsá is a small river emptying into the Faxa Bay, South-western Iceland. It is about l8 kilometers long with Lake Hafravatn on the river system. The length of the river above the lake is about 8 kilometers and the part below is 10,4 kilometers long. The Lake Hafravatn is 0,9 square kilometers and is 68 rneters above sea level.

Skráarviðhengi Ná í viðhengi
Nafn Þór Guðjónsson
Flokkur Útgáfa Veiðimálastofnunar (1948-2016)
Útgáfuár 1964
Leitarorð 1964, effects, water, removal, catch, salmon, river, Úlfarsá, Iceland, iceland, áhrif, vatnstaka, veiði
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