News & announcements

Capelin surveys this week in line with previous survey

Capelin surveys this week in line with previous survey

The preliminary results of the measurements indicate a slightly lower estimate of the fishable biomass than in the week before. It is therefore clear that the results will lead to an unchanged advice of no capelin fishing for the fishing season 2024/25.
The coverage of four vessels in the capelin survey during 16-23th January 2025

Preliminary results of a capelin survey give no reason for optimism

The measurements of adult capelin that makes up the fishing stock for the season, amount to only about two-thirds of what was measured in September 2024. Hence, with the caveat that measurements are still ongoing off the west coast, it is foreseen that the results of the ongoing measurements will not lead to changes in the current fishing advice of zero catch.
A New Validation Protocol for the pelagic fish complex in Nordic Seas

A New Validation Protocol for the pelagic fish complex in Nordic Seas

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) is proud to announce its significant contribution to cutting-edge research on validating models of pelagic social-ecological systems.
The new species: Buccinum palssoni Fraussen, Delongueville & Scaillet, 2024.

A new mollusc species discovered!

A new mollusc species was recently discovered in the ocean around Iceland. Such discoveries are rare and in this case the result of a lot of hard work. The new species has been named after former Marine and Freshwater Research Institute´s (MFRI) employee Jónbjörn Pálsson and is called Buccinum palssoni Fraussen, Delongueville & Scaillet, 2024.
Photo: Gudmundur Fylkisson.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Thank you for your cooperation over the past year. Wishing you a successful and prosperous year ahead!
Happy Christmas and a Merry Marine and Freshwater Research Year!

Happy Christmas and a Merry Marine and Freshwater Research Year!

Happy Christmas and a Merry Marine and Freshwater Research Year!
LIFE ICEWATER project receives 3.5 billion ISK EU grant

LIFE ICEWATER project receives 3.5 billion ISK EU grant

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute (MFRI) along with a consortium of 22 parties under the leadership of the Icelandic Environment Agency, have received a 3.5 billion ISK grant from the European Union for the LIFE ICEWATER project.
Welcome 26th cohort of fellows!

Important reinforcements at MFRI´s headquarters

The Marine and Freshwater Research Institute´s (MFRI) headquarters has received powerful reinforcements from around the world. Fellows have recently arrived to participate in this year’s six-month training within GRÓ – Fisheries Training Programme. The programme is funded by the Government of Iceland and hosted within the Icelandic Marine and Freshwater Research Institute.
Capelin larvae 39 days post-hatch. The three largest larvae are approximately 21 mm in length, while…

Successful Laboratory Rearing of Capelin Achieved

Scientists at the Marine and Freshwater Research Institute have successfully reared capelin from hatch to adulthood in a laboratory setting for the first time. Capelin eggs were fertilized aboard the fishing vessel Vikingur AK 100 and transported to the Aquaculture Research Station in Grindavík, where the larvae hatched 30 days later
Lumpfish is a stronger swimmer than was previously known

Lumpfish is a stronger swimmer than was previously known

A new article recently published in Journal of Fish Biology reveals that two lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus), tagged east of Iceland in the summer, migrated 1510 and 1612 km to Denmark to spawn. It was previously unknown that lumpfish migrate such extensive distances.
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