Nina Dehnhard flytur erindi á málstofu

Mynd: Mynd:

Fimmtudaginn 18. janúar mun Nina Dehnhard flytja erindið How does environmental variability affect foraging behaviour in Southern Ocean seabirds? á málstofu Hafrannsóknastofnunar. Málstofan verður haldin í fyrirlestrasal á 1. hæð Skúlagötu 4 og verður jafnframt streymt á YouTube-rás stofnunarinnar.

Málstofan hefst kl. 12:30. Öll velkomin.


Global climate change is predicted to – along with many other effects – cause increasing air and ocean temperatures, changes in wind patterns and a decline of sea ice in the polar ecosystems. The ability to cope with environmental variability will be crucial for organisms to adapt and survive these predicted and already happening changes in the environment. Seabirds are long-lived, slowly reproducing animals and therefore have a slow evolutionary adaptation rate. They already now form one of the most-threatened taxonomic groups of birds in the world and climate change might present a large challenge to some seabird species. In the first part of my presentation, I will show results from my doctoral thesis and first post-doc on southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome). I will present data on how environmental variability affects the diet, space use and foraging success of this species. In the second part of my presentation, I will show my most recent results about the foraging behaviour and diet of three species of Antarctic fulmarine petrels (Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica, Cape petrel Daption capense and Southern fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides), and the environmental conditions that shape foraging areas of these sea-ice adapted species.

Um Ninu Dehnhard

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